Climbing Magazine
2023, Branding, Photography, Motion, UX/UI, Editorial DesignThe following project was the final university project of my three year bachelor at LISAA Paris École
de Graphisme. For this project we were tasked with creation an editiorial object based on a subject
of our choice, alongside this we were tasked with the creation of a motion video as well as a website
or smartphone application.
My approach to this project came from a variety of contemporary magazines. Changing to format
and shape of the magazine was an important aspect for me as I wanted to create a magazine that
was both an effective magazine for climbers and beginners as well as something interesting looking that someone could have on their coffee table. I approached the creation of the editorial magazine with a modern style, using contemporary fonts and adding a lot of digital texture to images to add
a more present design to images. All of the images that were used in the book, besides the article about climbers in the 70s, are mine ranging from photos taken in Fontainebleau, the local climbing gym as well as some old photographs given to me by my parents to use in the magazine.

Alongside the creation of the magazine, I worked on the smartphone application with a similar contemporary approach with a modern logo whose design ties into the idea of route setting,
following leading lines and topographical maps. Topo maps, which are climbing specific maps
to show climbers where they can find climbing spots were also used as an inspiration for a section
in the magazine itself.

The motion design aspect of this project was approached with a mixed media style.
Mixed media motion design similarly to climbing is something which is coming back into
the limelight and becoming more and more popular within each of their respective communities.
I also incorporated similar themes and designs into certain images to tie the video together with
the magazine and the application.
Routes Advertisement Video, 1920 x 1080 px.